Workshop: Data Visualization for Corpus Linguistics via Shiny Framework

“The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures”
(Ben Schneidermen, 1999)

Information visualization affords new opportunities for corpus linguistics. In addition to interpretable data synthesis (Keim et al., 2006), visualization allows researchers to unveil linguistic patterns through data exploration and discovery. Until recently, the full integration of visual analytics into corpus tools was not feasible. For example, web-based corpora (e.g., COCA and BNC) were limited to pre-defined text collections and functionalities, whereas software applications were mainly built for a specific purpose (e.g., AntConc – concordances, TigerSearch – syntactic query). The recent development of Shiny web framework makes it possible to integrate visualization tools into the corpus analysis. Shiny is a reactive system allowing for interactive data analysis and visualization. Built with R, Shiny web framework also provides access to advanced text mining and quantitative algorithms, thus advancing corpus linguistics studies. In this workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of reactive web framework and visual analytics for corpus analysis.

Workshop Materials:

Additional Sources:


Venue: Corpora2017 Conference at Saint Petersburg Russia, June 27-30, 2017

Acknowledgment: this workshop is partially sponsored by Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center